Friday, April 15, 2011

Dangerous of Portable Green Lasers

There is more than laser safety issue any user should pay the due attention when they receive any laser, though the mere mentioning of laser safety issue seems to be frightening. Actually, lasers are much less dangerous than you imagine when you use it in the right way.

Actually, take a 200mw green laser pointer or red laser pointer for example, As far as power output, the output power they emit are even incomparable with a ordinary 100W light globe.

However, people may ask, what makes such small pen-like lasers so powerful or dangerous? Why does FDA try any means to have it restricted? Does the laser pointers or portable laser torches violate any applicable law?

Let's examine the danger of green laser pointer from two aspects. First, these laser beam lights are collimated, just like a straight unfocused line, except some customized focus adjustable lasers like the renown  provides green lasers and red lasers.

The light does not spread out from a laser, it stays in a focused narrow beam that makes lasers almost as dangerous at a distance as close up. Secondly, the laser beam can be more coherent and focused than any other form of light. Just imagine when the 50mw, 100mw or even 500mw(the class IV lasers) energy is focused on a very small area similar to the way a magnifying glass focuses the sun.